Simmons Gallery 1
Simmons Gallery 2
Simmons Gallery 3



Simmons Gallery 2
Click on the thumbnail to see a larger picture. All items subject to prior sale.


Gray Dogs


Great Dane "Champ 113" 5 1/2-inches tall;  no marks; bears remarkable resemblance to Royal Doulton  HN2561 Great Dane "Ch Rebeller of Ouborough" 1941 - 1960 Frederick Daws down to partially attached tail EXCEPT RD version has uncropped ears! Very small air hole.

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jiggs_footspot.jpg (5075 bytes)"Jiggs 2064"  Appears to be a French Bulldog (a very light-boned one by today's standards) 4-inches tall. No corresponding version in Beswick or Royal Doulton's lines. Very small air hole. Marked with black spot.

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"Bernie 149" is perhaps a St. Bernard puppy 5-inches tall. Very similar to German design made by Huebach and copied by others. Here's a similar knockoff pup made in Japan for ESD importers (for whom Robert Simmons also provided wares)

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Great Colors!


"Nimpo 168" Chow Chow: with a green-black tongue. 5 1/4-inches tall in a glorious red-brown color.  Possibly a copy of this piece by German maker Heubach

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German Shepherd dog "Vigilance" Handsome styling and glaze work. 6 3/4-inches tall.  Note green over brown color.

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Robert Simmons Kerry Blue Terrier: Same green-brown glaze and handsome styling 6 1/2-inches tall


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bullet Robert Simmons Large Standing Collie: the Crème de la crème of Simmons dogs! standing 12 inches tall with original Simmons sticker on tummy. collieRS.jpg (30996 bytes)

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bullet  French Bulldog We weren't completely sure about this odd fellow, but the green glaze and the spot on his paw indicate his origins. bulldogsimmons.jpg (15756 bytes)

"James Thurber" Dog:  Aficionados of the author James Thurber will recognize this comic fellow. This James Thurber inspired dog is 5-inches tall. We guess Robert Simmons wasn't content with only copying Doulton, Beswick, Huebach!

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This is a nice pair of salt & pepper shakers by Robert Simmons LA Pottery Co, based on the dark-green/black glaze
color used. One pup seems to be lifting his leg, much to the shock of the other. Corks. 3 1/2-inches tall.

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This Field Spaniel is a common mold, used by other pottery companies including "Morton Pottery" The painting  and signature brown color on this piece tells us that this a Robert Simmons piece.

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Multiple Personalities


Many designs turned up in different formats, reused continuously until the molds wore out. Here are three pugs with different treatments. On the left is a planter, with poor mould definition and a slapdash paint job. In the middle is a figurine with better definition, but not a lot of technique. In the right is a carefully painted pug with bright gold trim. 

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A pair of German Shepherd dogs -- one gilded, one simply airbrushed!

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A pair of scotty dogs get different treatment

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